Institutional Relations
To awaken in our students a vocation we consider inherent to humanity
Responsible to our society
At Salliver, we take on the shared responsibility with families to awaken in our students a vocation we consider inherent to humanity: to contribute added value to the society we are part of. This social value aims to bring our educational dynamics to our surroundings, both personally and institutionally.
Responsible to our society
At Salliver we assume the shared responsibility with families to awaken in our students a vocation that we consider inherent to man, that of contributing an added value to the society of which we are a part, a social value oriented to make our educational dynamics reach our environment, both at a personal and institutional level.
For this reason, our students actively participate in social initiatives that contribute to their personal development, promoted by various associations such as:
Asilo de las Hermanitas de los Pobres de Ronda. In December, food is collected and a day is shared with the elderly during which different activities are carried out, such as the traditional carol singing contest.
Campaign against hunger, so that students become aware of the difficulties faced by people around us.
DOMUND. We held a “Solidarity Tombola” to collect funds.
Padre Patricio Foundation, in Honduras. Each class sponsors a Honduran child with whom they maintain contact and become aware of other social realities.
We also collaborate with associations such as:
- AESLEME, Spanish Association of Spinal Injuries.
AFA Fuengirola – Mijas Costa
Spanish Association Against Cancer
Ciudad de los Niños
Spanish Red Cross
Alcohol and Society Foundation
ONCE, Spanish National Organization of the Blind
Proyecto Hombre
Our partners
Relationships with our environment help us to grow and offer a better service to our community. Convinced of this, we maintain close relationships with other organizations that share common objectives with us.
At the educational level, our center is co-owner and associated center of the Universidad Privada Alfonso X “El Sabio”, and maintains relationships with:
ACADE, National Association of Private Education Centers.
CADEICE, Confederation of Associations of Private Schools in the European Community.
Cambridge exams
COMEP, World Confederation of Private Education.
Language School
Escuela Superior de Gestión Comercial y Marketing ESIC
FUNDEL, European Foundation for Education and Freedom
Goethe Institut
Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles EIB
European Institute of Design EID
Le Roche
Trinity College London
American University CIS
Andalusian Universities
Universidad Complutense, Universidad Europea de Madrid CEES
Francisco de Vitoria University
University of Malaga
University of Navarra, Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE, ICAI)
University of Nebrija
San Pablo CEU University
With respect to official organizations, we maintain relations with:
Schools and Secondary Schools in Fuengirola and Mijas.
European Commission of Environment
Ministry of Education of the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Regional Government)
Provincial Delegation of Education
City Councils of Malaga, Fuengirola and Mijas. Mayor’s Office and Councillors
Your Excellency Diputación de Málaga
Employment Promotion of Fuengirola City Council.
Provincial Traffic Headquarters
MEC, Ministry of Education
Ministry and Regional Ministry of the Environment
Bishopric of Malaga
InfoEuropa Project of Fuengirola City Council
Educational Inspection Service
Companies and associations related to education:
Aula de la Naturaleza Contadoras in the Natural Park of Montes de Málaga.
Aula del Mar
Aymerich Golf Center, golf activities
Principia Science Center of Malaga
Mi Matrona Center
Benalmádena Judo Club
Fuengirola Sailing Club, sailing activities
Coca Cola
Eipymes International Business School
Ana M.ª Tineo Herrera Dance School
ESTALMAT Andalucía Estímulo del Talento Matemático (Stimulating Mathematical Talent)
FAO, Andalusian Olympic Federation
Spanish and Andalusian Basketball Federations
Huayu Chinese Academy
Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental (Association of Municipalities of the Western Costa del Sol)
Science Park of Granada
Royal Spanish Judo Federation
Royal Spanish Karate Federation
Royal Spanish Society of Physics
Royal Spanish Mathematics Society
Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry
Reserva del Higuerón, paddle tennis activities, swimming, yoga for children…
SGS, ISO 9001-2000 Certification System
Andalusian Society of Mathematics Education Thales
WTF, Healthy Habits for the Environment
V National Congress of Music Education With Euterpe 2018
#ConEuterpe18 will bring together from May 25-27, 2018, 300 attendees and 50 speakers, workshop leaders and organization, all of them music teachers coming from all over Spain.
The whole #EuterpianFamily will gather in our Center, which has been chosen to host this annual event with music and education.
The jury has already selected the winning drawing of the contest that will be the image of the poster announcing the event.
The winner has been the student of 2nd of Secondary Carmen Sanchez.
We are looking forward to the presentation to see the final result.