
Our students work individually and as a team, with effort and responsibility in the study. Integrating the various experiences of everyday life and its immediate surroundings with the learning.





  • Know the own body and contribute to its development, acquiring health habits and rejecting behaviors that negatively impact on the welfare and quality of life.
  • Develop progressive levels of autonomy and its own initiative.
  • Establish affective relationships satisfactory, sharing ideas, creating ties and cooperate in common activities.
  • To take part actively in group activities, accepting the norms and rules that democratically are established.
  • Promote solidarity behaviour, rejecting discrimination and facilitating the development of positive attitudes towards oneself, others and the natural environment.
  • Know facts and phenomena of the natural and social environment to actively participate in its conservation and improvement.
  • To know and appreciate the Natural, Cultural and historical patrimony of Andalusia, contributing to its conservation and improvement.
  • Develop an attitude of interest and respect toward the linguistic and cultural diversity of individuals and of peoples.
  • To understand and express spoken and written messages in Spanish and develop the correct use of spoke of Andalusia.
  • Develop communication skills simple in the learning of a foreign language.
  • Develop aesthetic, artistic and creative sensibility through verbal, corporal, visual, musical, plastic, and mathematical communication.
  • To raise and to solve questions and daily problems related to its environment, using information sources, material resources and the collaboration of other persons.
  • Appreciate the importance of the basic values that govern the life and human coexistence and act in accordance with them.
  • Understand and assess the Catholic religion, in accordance with the guidelines and criteria of the diocesan Church.
  • Reach a awareness and concern for the weak, valuing the know as a means to better serve the other.
  • Project education beyond the classroom and school hours through the implementation of activities that encourage the opening to a world of dimensions increasingly broad, taking part in social initiatives.


Our method is based on active, motivating and participatory techniques.
Our pupils work in an individual way and in team, with effort and responsibility in the study. Integrating the different experiences of the everyday life and its immediate environment with learning. In such a way that loving what they do they find the happiness.
The result is students with self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and entrepreneurial spirit.


En Salliver queremos que nuestros alumnos encuentren la felicidad amando lo que hacen.

Por eso apostamos por la innovación pedagógica y las nuevas tecnologías. Nuestros alumnos desarrollan nuevas habilidades y fomentan su crecimiento personal con un espíritu de mejora continua. Y además disfrutan aprendiendo.

Les ayudamos a organizar sus ideas con técnicas de estudio. Aprenden a aprender con mapas conceptuales y lluvia de ideas ‘brainstorming’. Aprenden a organizar el trabajo, en entornos cooperativos e interdisciplinares, obteniendo los mejores resultados y en un ambiente seguro y estimulante donde comparten sus conocimientos.

Libros de texto

Libros 1º Primaria Libros 2º Primaria Libros 3º Primaria
Entusiasmat 1 (Material entregado por el Centro)

Editorial Tekman Books

Entusiasmat 2 (Material entregado por el Centro)

Editorial Tekman Books

Entusiasmat 3 (Material entregado por el Centro)

Editorial Tekman Books

Lectura 12 colores

Editorial SM ISBN 9788467571448

Lectura 12 sorpresas

Editorial SM ISBN 9788467579130

Lengua 3

Editorial SM 9788467576740

Inglés “Big English 1” Pupil’s Book

Editorial Pearson ISBN 9781447951261

Inglés “Big English 2” Pupil’s Book

Editorial Pearson ISBN 9781447951278

Natural Science 3

Editorial Vicens Vives ISBN 9788468231488

Valores Sociales y Cívicos 1 (Alumnos que no cursan religión)

Editorial SM ISBN 9788467576849

Valores Sociales y Cívicos 2 (Alumnos que no cursan religión)

Editorial SM ISBN 9788467575231

Valores Sociales y Cívicos 3 (Alumnos que no cursan religión)

Editorial SM ISBN 9788467576856

Religión Catequesis (Alumnos que cursan religión)

Editorial Catecismo: Jesús es el Señor ISBN 9788471417473

Religión Catequesis (Alumnos que cursan religión)

Editorial Catecismo: Jesús es el Señor ISBN 9788471417473

Religión Catequesis (Alumnos que cursan religión)

Editorial Catecismo: Jesús es el Señor ISBN 9788471417473

Libros 4º Primaria Libros 5º Primaria Libros 6º Primaria
Entusiasmat 4 (Material entregado por el Centro)

Editorial Tekman Books

EntusiasMat 5 (Material entregado por el Centro)

Editorial Tekman Books

EntusiasMat 6 (Material entregado por el Centro)

Editorial Tekman Books

Ajedrez en el aula 5 (Material entregado por el Centro)

Editorial Tekman Books

Ajedrez en el aula 5 (Material entregado por el Centro)

Editorial Tekman Books

Ajedrez en el aula 5 (Material entregado por el Centro)

Editorial Tekman Books

Lengua 4

Editorial SM (Licencia digital) ISBN 9788467581072

Lengua 5

Editorial SM (Licencia digital) ISBN 9788467572001

Lengua 6

Editorial SM (Licencia digital) ISBN 9788467581010

Natural Science 4

Editorial Vicens Vives (Licencia digital) ISBN 9788468240633

Lengua Extranjera. Alemán. (Por determinar)Lengua Extranjera. Alemán. (Por determinar)